CS Lewis Fantasy Psychological The Screwtape Letters – CS Lewis (1942) The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis is a satirical exploration of faith, temptation, and frailty through a demon’s advice on corrupting a soul.
CS Lewis Non Fiction Mere Christianity – CS Lewis (1952) Mere Christianity by CS Lewis distills faith, morality, and redemption, offering a logical and heartfelt defense of Christian beliefs
John Bunyan Classics Supernatural The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan (1678) The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan allegorically depicts Christian's journey from sin to salvation, exploring faith and spiritual trials.
CS Lewis Non Fiction A Grief Observed – CS Lewis (1961) A Grief Observed by CS Lewis offers raw insights into mourning, love, and faith, reflecting on his wife’s death and spiritual renewal.
CS Lewis Non Fiction Miracles – CS Lewis (1947) Miracles by CS Lewis defends the supernatural, contrasting Naturalism with Supernaturalism, and argues for the rationality of divine acts.
GK Chesterton Non Fiction St. Francis of Assisi – GK Chesterton (1923) St. Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton explores the life of the saint, blending wit and reverence to highlight his revolutionary spirit.