HG Wells
The World Set Free by H. G. Wells Summary
Science Fiction

The World Set Free – HG Wells (1914)

The World Set Free by H.G. Wells envisions a future shaped by atomic energy, exploring its revolutionary and catastrophic effects.
Andre Norton
Time Traders
Galactic Derelict by Andre Norton Summary
Adventure Science Fiction

Galactic Derelict – Andre Norton (1959)

Galactic Derelict by Andre Norton follows a thrilling time-travel mission leading to a galaxy-spanning adventure aboard an ancient alien spacecraft.
Andre Norton
Time Traders
The Defiant Agents by Andre Norton Summary
Adventure Science Fiction

The Defiant Agents – Andre Norton (1962)

The Defiant Agents by Andre Norton follows Apache colonists grappling with altered minds and survival on a perilous alien planet.
Andre Norton
Time Traders
Key Out of Time by Andre Alice Norton Summary
Adventure Science Fiction

Key Out of Time – Andre Norton (1963)

Key Out of Time by Andre Norton explores time travel and mystery as adventurers journey across space in this thrilling sci-fi tale.
Margaret Cavendish
Blazing World by Margaret Cavendish Summary
Psychological Science Fiction

Blazing World – Margaret Cavendish (1666)

Blazing World by Margaret Cavendish blends utopian fiction and philosophy, exploring themes of power, gender, and knowledge in a fantastical universe.
HG Wells
The Star by H.G. Wells Summary
Science Fiction

The Star – HG Wells (1897)

The Star by H.G. Wells depicts cosmic catastrophe as a celestial body approaches Earth, revealing humanity’s fragility and insignificance.
Jules Verne
Off on a Comet by Jules Verne Summary
Adventure Science Fiction

Off on a Comet – Jules Verne (1877)

Off on a Comet by Jules Verne follows an isolated group swept onto a comet, blending science fiction and adventurous survival.
HG Wells
A Modern Utopia by H.G. Wells Summary
Psychological Science Fiction

A Modern Utopia – HG Wells (1905)

A Modern Utopia by H.G. Wells envisions an ideal society on a distant planet, blending social commentary with speculative philosophy.
HG Wells
Tales of Space and Time by H.G. Wells Summary
Adventure Psychological Science Fiction

Tales of Space and Time – HG Wells (1899)

Tales of Space and Time by H.G. Wells is a collection of stories blending human nature, science, and the unknown in speculative fiction.
Andre Norton
All Cats Are Gray by Andre Alice Norton Summary
Adventure Mystery Science Fiction

All Cats Are Gray – Andre Norton (1953)

All Cats Are Gray by Andre Norton blends mystery and space adventure, featuring Steena and her tomcat uncovering the secrets of a haunted spaceship.