CS Lewis Space Trilogy Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction Perelandra – CS Lewis (1943) Dr. Elwin Ransom travels to Perelandra (Venus) to prevent its fall into sin, facing temptation and moral trials in this philosophical sci-fi novel.
CS Lewis Space Trilogy Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction That Hideous Strength – CS Lewis (1945) As the manipulative N.I.C.E. seeks control through science, Dr. Ransom and his allies fight a battle of good vs. evil in this dystopian finale.
CS Lewis Non Fiction A Grief Observed – CS Lewis (1961) After his wife's death, C.S. Lewis candidly reflects on grief, love, and faith, questioning and reaffirming his beliefs in this deeply personal work.
CS Lewis Fantasy Psychological Till We Have Faces – CS Lewis (1956) A retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche, told through the perspective of Orual, exploring love, faith, and the struggle to understand the divine.
CS Lewis Non Fiction Miracles – CS Lewis (1947) Exploring the supernatural in a rational world, C.S. Lewis argues for the reality of miracles and their role in Christian faith and human experience.