Elizabeth Gilbert Non Fiction The Last American Man – Elizabeth Gilbert (2000) The true story of Eustace Conway, a modern-day frontiersman who embraces self-sufficiency, challenging the ideals of American civilization.
GK Chesterton Non Fiction St. Francis of Assisi – GK Chesterton (1923) St. Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton portrays Francis as a revolutionary figure whose devotion to faith transformed medieval thought and spirituality.
Henry Adams Non Fiction The Education of Henry Adams – Henry Adams (1918) The Education of Henry Adams is a reflective autobiography that explores history, modernity, and the complexities of progress in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Jack London Non Fiction The Road – Jack London (1907) The Road by Jack London is a semi-autobiographical memoir chronicling his experiences as a hobo, riding trains and struggling for survival across America.
H Rider Haggard Adventure Historical Romance Cleopatra – H Rider Haggard (1851) Cleopatra by H. Rider Haggard follows Harmachis, an Egyptian prince destined to overthrow Cleopatra, but entangled in her allure and Egypt’s political turmoil.