Elizabeth Gilbert Non Fiction Eat Pray Love – Elizabeth Gilbert (2006) Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert chronicles a woman’s journey through Italy, India, and Indonesia in search of joy and balance.
CS Lewis Non Fiction Mere Christianity – CS Lewis (1952) Mere Christianity by CS Lewis distills faith, morality, and redemption, offering a logical and heartfelt defense of Christian beliefs
Marcus Aurelius Non Fiction Meditations – Marcus Aurelius Meditations by Marcus Aurelius offers timeless Stoic reflections on virtue, life, and the burdens of leadership.
Virginia Woolf Non Fiction A Room of One’s Own – Virginia Woolf (1929) A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf explores women's literary and social struggles, emphasizing independence and creativity.
Karl Marx Non Fiction The Communist Manifesto – Karl Marx (1848) The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx critiques capitalism and calls for a classless society, laying the foundation of communist theory.
Friedrich Nietzsche Psychological Thus Spake Zarathustra – Friedrich Nietzsche (1883) Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche presents profound ideas of self-overcoming, the Übermensch, and the death of God in poetic allegories.
Solomon Northup Non Fiction Twelve Years a Slave – Solomon Northup (1853) Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup recounts his harrowing abduction, enslavement, and survival, highlighting the horrors of slavery.
Friedrich Nietzsche Non Fiction Beyond Good and Evil – Friedrich Nietzsche (1886) Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche challenges morality and truth, laying the foundation for modern existential and postmodern thought.
Alice Sebold Non Fiction Lucky – Alice Sebold (1999) Lucky by Alice Sebold is a powerful memoir of survival and resilience, chronicling her journey to justice and empowerment after assault.
John Steinbeck Non Fiction Travels With Charley – John Steinbeck (1961) Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck reflects on America’s beauty and complexity during a road trip with his dog, Charley, in the 1960s.