Stephen King
659 - The Stand - Stephen King (1978)
Classics Science Fiction Supernatural

The Stand – Stephen King (1978)

The Stand by Stephen King depicts a post-apocalyptic world where survivors of a deadly superflu must choose between good, led by Mother Abagail, and evil, led by Randall Flagg.
Margaret Atwood
530. The Year of the Flood - Margaret Atwood (2009)
Fantasy Science Fiction

The Year of the Flood – Margaret Atwood (2009)

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood explores survival and faith in a world destroyed by a pandemic, blending wit and profound insight.
Margaret Atwood
531. MaddAddam - Margaret Atwood (2013)
Fantasy Science Fiction

MaddAddam – Margaret Atwood (2013)

MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood concludes the trilogy with a gripping tale of survival, ethics, and humanity’s fragile bond with nature.
Jack London
The Scarlet Plague by Jack London Summary
Science Fiction

The Scarlet Plague – Jack London (1912)

The Scarlet Plague by Jack London explores a future ravaged by a pandemic, contrasting past civilization with a primitive post-apocalyptic world.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
The Last Man by Mary Shelley Summary
Science Fiction

The Last Man – Mary Shelley (1826)

The Last Man by Mary Shelley is a dystopian tale of humanity's decline, exploring friendship, loss, and survival amid a deadly global plague.
HG Wells
The Star by H.G. Wells Summary
Science Fiction

The Star – HG Wells (1897)

The Star by H.G. Wells depicts cosmic catastrophe as a celestial body approaches Earth, revealing humanity’s fragility and insignificance.